Selasa, 20 Januari 2009

Mr Barack Hussein Obama- Swear in on 20th January

After all the pre-inauguration glitz and fanfare, the stage is finally set for the solemn swearing- in of Barack Hussein Obama as the 44th President of the United States on Tuesday.“Anything is possible in America,” declared the man who will be the first-ever African- American at the helm of the world’s most powerful nation at a time when it is faced with its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) has selected the Microsoft Silverlight technology to enable live and on-demand video streaming of the official inauguration swearing-in ceremony on the PIC Web site at President-elect will be sworn in to office with Abraham Lincoln's inaugural Bible (pictured).

"President-elect Obama is deeply honored that the Library of Congress has made the Lincoln Bible available for use during his swearing-in," said Presidential Inaugural Committee Executive Director Emmett Beliveau in a press statement. The historic Bible has not been used during a presidential inauguration since 1861, when Lincoln was sworn in.

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