Minggu, 23 November 2008

Joke of the day!

The Joke would make a magic in everyone's life. Joke may act as a tool for laughing. Laughter requires intelligence, it requires presence of mind, a quickness of seeing into things. A joke cannot be explained: either you understand it or you miss it. If it is explained it loses the whole point; hence no joke can be explained. Either immediately one should get it.... If you don't get it immediately then you can try to find out the meaning of it; you will find out the meaning, but the joke will not be there. It was in the immediacy. Humor needs presence, utter presence. It is not a question of analysis, it is a question of insight.

And if you can laugh totally there are a few more things to be understood. In deep laughter the ego disappears, it is not found at all. You can't have both laughter and the ego. If the ego is there it will keep you serious. All egoists are serious people, and all serious people are egoists. To be able to laugh, you need to be like a child -- egoless. And when you laugh, suddenly laughter is there, you are not. You come back when the laughter is gone. When the laughter is disappearing far away, when it is subsiding, you come back, the ego comes back.

But in the very moment of laughter you have a glimpse of egolessness. There are only two activities in which you can feel egolessness easily. One is laughter, another is dancing. Dancing is a physiological method, a bodily method to feel egolessness. When the dancer is lost in his dance he is no more -- there is only dance. Laughter is a little more subtle than dance, it is a little more inner, but it has also the same fragrance.

When you laugh.... It has to be a belly laughter. It should not be just superficial, it should not be just polite, it should not be just a mannerism.(Source: Internet)

So be a laughter person.

Here follows the joke of the day

”What’s the idea of coming in here late every morning, Mulla?” asked the boss.

”It's Your fault, Sir” Said Mulla Nasrudin. ”You have Trained me so Thoroughly not to watch the Clock in the office, Now I am in the Habit of not looking at it Home.”

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